Saturday, March 12, 2011

Q & A

My lovely wife, Jessica, has emailed me questions throughout the trip:

Q. How long are you at the same house?
A. One week per country, I think that in Nicaragua we change places once, El Salvador may change more often but we do not know right now.

Q. Are you staying with curt at the billets?
A. We all have had separate billets until tonight. Alicia and Doug will be staying at the same house tonight for ease of organization tomorrow.

Q. Is Costa Rica much different then Panama?
A. YES. When we arrived in Panama the first day of our trip, we where told we will recognize the differences of each country. Cultures, food, driving, you name it, it has a different twist. One thing we all noticed was that Panama has large upper and lower classes; Costa Rica has a more dominate middle class.

Q. What are some of the activities you have planned for this week?
A. Vocation visits today, Canadian Embassy, Visit a Rotary project for the elderly and another for children, tour downtown… much more but it is 2:00am and I have been up since 7:00am and this question is too hard for my state of mind, I can revisit.

Q. How was carnivale?
A. Simply one of the richest cultural experiences I have ever been a part of.

Q. How are your billets?
A. Panama was Nestor’s parents, although I feel like I was billeted by Nestor (he is the one that organized our visit to this country) because I was with him so much – great people, very friendly and warm.
Costa Rica is Manuel, also the organizer for our visit to the country. Very modest and selfless; he is about to turn 32 on Wednesday and he has accomplished more in his life time than most have is 64 years. He has given up his own bed for me in this historic building from the 1920’s, spewing with character.

Q. The weather?
A. Panama was hot and humid, we sweat in our dress shirts and blazers, but it is bearable. It rained maybe 3 to 5 times, never more than 3 minutes. Costa Rica is so close to perfect, there is no insulation, or windows for that matter, in many buildings. No rain yet that I have seen.

Q. The food?
A. Panama – Fresh fruit, delicious, lots of deep fried.
Costa Rica – Fresh, delicious.

Q. The language barrier?
A. Too easy in both Panama and Costa Rica; we only speak English. Our fear is that we are not learning enough Spanish for Nicaragua and El Salvador which will have less English speaking people.

Q. Wondering how tanned you are! LOL
A. Not very. Our itinerary is busy. Our last large amount of time outside was Carnivale last weekend, but that was mostly at night. Tomorrow we will be tourists and go to a beach and a rainforest; I will let you know after that.

Thanks for the questions Jess!


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