Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Maids and Bananas

Have you ever given a maid that does not speak English a heart attack because nobody told her that there is a foreigner guest alone in the house? I have! I am still sitting here hoping that she does not call the police. Now there are two maids and they defiantly are talking about me.

I am staying at Nestor’s (the organizer for us in Panama) parent’s house. His father is a Civil Engineer like me and his mother is a teacher. Both mornings that I wake, the house is empty, besides the maids this morning.

Yesterday was a busy day for me 17 hours up and about, touring cargo logistics at the Panama Port Company, high-rise building construction sites and touring the city. I think it was more relaxed for the rest of the team, with some people having the morning off, and others enjoying horse riding on gated South American horses that neck reign (I am so jealous of Alicia, that is pretty close to exactly what my wife and I ride in Ontario).

For breakfast, Nestor and I shared papaya, watermelon, cantaloupe and bananas. That was the best banana that I have ever had in my life. Canada’s method of shipping green bananas and turning them yellow in a locker is not doing bananas justice.

I toured the city on one of the heaviest traffic days of the year: the first day of school. The school year goes March to December here. On the first day of school they do not provide buses for the children, the parents must drive to the schools. If you can drive here, you can drive anywhere.


1 comment:

  1. OH DEAR!! don't go giving maids heart attacks!
    Neck raining gaited horses???!!!! I hope that you get a chance to ride, sounds amazing and so perfect for you. Make a video if you do! Poor Tesoro would be so jelous!
